Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First weekend of the semester

The first semester of my senior year has finally begun. My college experience is finally coming to an end. So with that in mind, I have made it my goal to get involved here and leave my mark on Bradley University before I depart for good.

I recently joined the Activities Council here at Bradley as a marketing coordinator. I will be in charge of helping design poster, and use their social media sites to help promote events as well as come up with new and innovative ideas to market to university's population. On top of that, I am interning with Bradley's athletic department as a marketing intern. There I focus on creating a fun atmosphere for Bradley sporting events as well as provide assistance in office tasks. So I do not have a lot of free time to myself after acquiring these positions.

My first weekend of the semester was a very busy one. My Friday morning started off with an 8 a.m. music business class, followed by a 9 a.m. biology class. Following class, I had a meeting with my boss with the athletic department. Recently, my big boss has left Bradley to pursue a job with the NCAA, so I was then asked to carry more responsibility in my department, aka work more hours. Following that, I was able to get away from my busy work to enjoy lunch with an old friend. After that I was able to go back to my apartment and just crash for 5 hours until Late Nite BU. At Late Nite they had an activities fair which I worked at the ACBU table for the first half (8:45-11:00 p.m.), then worked at ACBU's green screen pictures the rest of the night (11:00-3:00 a.m.). My Saturday was filled with meeting and homework.

Sunday was a busy day for me. I woke up at 8 a.m. and went over to the Civic center to work the Winter Jam event which was a big Christian super-concert. I went into the day really hoping to work the band RED's merchandise table, but I was actually placed at the dual tables of Jason Castro and a new band called OBB (Oswald Brothers Band). Their tour manager went on to explain what I needed to do and prices for the merch, and was very pleased to hear I've worked this event in the past at the headliner's table, so I had prior experience. In the hours leading up to the event, I started a conversation with the tour manager asking how he got into doing what he does. He went on inform me he was in a band that recently broke up and he had a connection with the record label and got this position. I asked him what did he play. He responded, "I played drums in a band called Wavorly". My jaw dropped once he said that. Not only have I heard of the band, but they were one of my favorite groups about 2 years ago (which was prior to when he joined). Have I have gotten my way, I wouldn't have been at this table and had this experience. Funny how things worked out. We exchanged contact information and now I have another connection in Nashville if I ever decide to look into working in the music industry. Throughout the night, Jason Castro came up to say hello to us, so I was able to meet him, and after the show the band OBB came up to sign autographs for their fans, and afterwards hung out with us working into the wee hours of the morning. So overall, that day was just one word, awesome.