Wednesday, March 27, 2013

When is this cold weather going to disappear and let spring start? I feel like the weather keeps on teasing us with these periodic 40-50 degree weather for a couple days, then snow. Traveling back to school Sunday was just awful due to the snow storm that hit. As I was carefully driving 30 miles per hour on a 65 miles per hour highways, I managed to count 26 cars that spun off on the road. 26!!! That is a crazy number for a 2 and a half hour drive. Illinois St. was closed the following day along with the University of Illinois, but good old Bradley was still open for learning. As I left my apartment that Monday morning, the sidewalks were covered still with ice making my walk to campus that much more difficult. It didn't help also that the roads were still covered with ice and snow. I went sliding when walking on the sidewalk about 6 times, balancing myself out to avoid falling. Sometimes, I really get frustrated with this school when it comes to student safety coming and going to class. Anyways, there's my rant on that.

With only about six weeks left before summer break, I still find myself without an internship and desperately sending out resumes daily to new open positions. I'm not sure why I never hear back from the majority of places I apply to, but this is becoming very stressful. Thankfully I still have one more semester to go before having to go and find real work, but finding that internship this summer could be key in helping me secure that job once I graduate. If I just had graphic design knowledge, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be in this situation. I guess that gives me something to do this summer if none of these internship are available.

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